Monday, March 03, 2008

my condition

last sunday i heard a sermon that spoke of our condition. in case you are unaware of our condition, let me shed some light. we are broken, selfish, powerless, blind, vain, hurtful, arrogant, ignorant, disobedient and ____________ (you fill in the blank). However, we are called to do great things. the teaching was about the gigantic gap between our condition and our calling. How am i supposed to do the work god has called me to do, when i am chained to so much sin.

i am not the most biblically literate, nor steeped in theology, but i think at one point in the bible jesus says that we will do even greater things than he does. is this true? like my bank account, i feel like i have insufficient funds. the gap between my condition and my calling is immense.

i must focus on the small. concentrate on redemption. pray for an everyday renewal of gods grace and intervention. and hope my neighbor forgives me endlessly.

when i think about what i am called to do it sort of blows my hair back.

1 comment:

Trish Groe said...

Babe, I know the feeling. As a sinner, a drunk, and a Republican (ha!) it is humbling to claim His promises and live my life in the truth that He will use me to do His work.

Rock on brother! With His truth in your heart, rock on!