today is no ordinary saturday. a few hours ago i experienced a subculture that few realize exist. i most certainly had no knowledge of these courageous, imaginitive, over smiling and apparently unbusied people. these are the people that i found during a morning visit to the local mall. i enter the mall and it is as if i just stepped through the back of cs lewis' giant wardrobe. no, there was no snow. however, animals were bounding to and fro. a hint of urine in the air and pet dander underfoot. a quick breath on the lenses of my glasses, cause i must get a cleaner look. this cant be true. but yes, yessiree! we have got ourselves a costume contest. and the contestants...apparently any animal that you have been fortunate enough to domesticate and convince to don some rediculous apparel. i saw painted ponies, chewbacca chows, and the most heart warming labs dressed like the wicked witch of the west. and the owners, proud does not do justice to the emotion that radiated from these smiles. for the first time i realized the cause of that giant void in my life. and it hit my like a flying squirrel. of course there is a lack of purpose, a discontent, i do not own a a giant field mouse, nor the costume to dress him up so that he will look like bugs bunny.