Saturday, January 20, 2007

taking suggestions

put yourself in my shoes. i walk into tevis's (mr.knights's) class the other day and notice that the teacher he normally works with is not there. in her place is an innocent substitute. (at rossville, innocent substitutes are preyed upon like baby chinstrap penguins attempting to get to the open waters through the sea lion filled break) as i began to speak with tevis about his lovely situation i notice a student flip a rubberband at the substitute, whizzing inches from her 50's style fro.

what would you do? be creative, no corporal punishment, and suspension is rarely punishment for these gems.

this was my solution, i am sure that yours looks similiar.

he had to write 20 of these babies.

inside my head a fly did land
and yes it spoke to me.
it said to shoot a rubberband
and then write poetry.
i do not like to obey
and i do make bad decisions.
the fly was my boss today
tomorrow i'll listen to reason.

perhaps no teacher of the year solution, but it was effective and entertaining.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

the new thirty?

Now that i am thirty i reflect on much. i feel like i can finally say with complete confidence and honesty that i did not fall off the turnip truck last night. it was actually closer to 11,000 nights ago. and as i think back, so much is blurred, like these pictures. selective memories, unwanted tragedies, but love too. i was a bit worried about turning a lovely 30, but it was great.

i celebrated with meg and some friends in chucktown. i am thirty, and i am so wonderfully happy.